Spring in the air, but still a winter snowpack
On this first day of spring, Ian and I toured up the northern ridge above Hebgen Lake today looking for weak snow near the base of the snowpack. Throughout the day, it snowed a little over an inch with bursts of sunshine in and out.
From the storm over the weekend, we noted about 1.5" of new and settled snow. We saw no cracking or collapsing or any other signs of instability.
We dug a snowpit at 8900' on a NE aspect (HS: 163), and while we found faceted snow at the bottom of the snowpit, beneath the dirt layer, we were only able to get propagation on this layer after extra hits. We got a few ECTN's (7, 17) higher up in the snowpack.
While we were encouraged by how few signs of instability we saw today, we are not ready to discount the possibility that avalanches could break on these weak layers, especially after seeing the persistent weak layer avalanche yesterday in the Taylor Fork. As always, if choosing to travel in steep terrain, use safe travel practices: one at a time on steep slopes, carry rescue gear, and regroup in safe zones.