Middle/Beehive Basins Obs

Middle/Beehive Basins Obs


OVC with 10k cloud ceiling in the morning (S-1) which cleared to BKN high clouds by 1pm. No signs of wind transport from the previous 24hrs (tree tops holding snow, little/no snow surface clues at the prayer flags and below). 

We took a quick look at the upper ~1m of the snowpack: generally non-consolidated fist-hardness snow. Small, dry-loose slides were observed in Going Home Shoot and on the west facing wall of Middle Basin. We were able to move the top 5-10cm of snow in short, occasional sluffs but did not experience any other signs of instability. No other signs of avalanche activity could be spotted in the area. By 3pm, wind on the summit of Lone Peak was transporting lots of snow.

Northern Madison
Location (from list)
Beehive Basin
Observer Name
E. Webb